
What is it about half term holidays that brings the tantrums out of my children…? I guess it’s having to spend all the time in each other’s company. And maybe they miss school and the routine a little bit…?

Anyway, once the afternoon tantrum was out of the way, we all piled into the car and wandered over the Pennines to Halifax and Eureka, the museum for children of all ages. Daughter number 3 loved it, as there were so many buttons to press at just the right height! Daughters 2 and 1 also had a blast, especially when they were pretending to be doctors or dancing in the sound room, and the consensus was that we would be returning soon!

And now, whilst keeping an eye on an orange that is currently boiling in the kitchen in readiness for cake baking tomorrow, I am researching song lyrics for an upcoming band gig – yes, we’re putting the band back together! Although the football on the t.v. is proving a little distracting! All hail the half term holiday!